Terms and Conditions

For new students:

A non-refundable registration fee of CHF 80.- will be added to the first invoice unless early registration for the new school year applies.


Early registration:

Register for the new school year by June 30th, and receive 50% off of the registration fee for classes starting in August.

The signed registration form may be sent via email.


Registration from July: a non-refundable fee of CHF 80.- will be added to the first invoice.


Continuing students:

Free re-registration:

for the children who are currently registered at Custom Kids, there is free re-registration for the next school year when you register for the next Level of classes by June 30th.


Children registered in playgroup have first priority when leaving playgroup to join a class and do not pay the registration fee.


Registration from July: a non-refundable fee of CHF 80.- will be added to the first invoice.


Payment / fees:

Payment periods are:

Autumn Term: August-December  
Winter Term: January-March  
Spring Term: April-July  

Payment is by online transfer or scan the QR code and add the invoice amount. 

Invoices are to be paid in full before the start of each term and within 15 days of the invoice date.

It is possible to pay the Autumn term in 2 installments if needed (in August and October).


Important with the payment, please include your child`s first and last name as well as their class.


Late payment:

A reminder email will be sent.

A late payment/admin fee of CHF 20.- will be added to the invoice if payment is not received within 1 week following the reminder.




Missed classes can not be compensated with zoom lessons.

We would like to highlight that we understand that there may be special circumstances where children must miss a few classes or playgroup at a time, however please recognize that we are a small business and must adhere to our policy.



discount for siblings


off of additional playgroup days


early registration discount

 Recommend CK:  

CHF 100.- off of next invoice

(& free registration for your friend)

Recommend CK:

Recommend CK to a friend and receive CHF 100.- off of your next invoice when they join a class or playgroup!

Your friend receives FREE registration!

Be sure to tell your friend(s) to put your name on the registration form!


We follow the holiday schedule in the Baden/Ehrendingen area.

For the exact dates, click here.


Drop off:

Children may be dropped off 5 minutes before the start of each session.

Children should be on time and ready to go when classes start.


Pick up / late pick up policy:

! Please arrive on time to pick up your child(ren) so that you are not infringing on the personal time of our teachers!

Unless there is a special unforeseen circumstance, the following late policy will apply after being 5 minutes late:

First time late:

you will be given a warning.

Second time late:

you will be given a CHF 20.00 late pick up fee for up to 10 minutes late.

After 10 minutes it will be CHF 1/minute for each additional minute you are late.


If your child is sick / unable to attend a class or playgroup, you are requested to inform your child`s playgroup leader or teacher. You will be given contact information for your child`s teacher so you can contact them directly.



Photos taken at Custom Kids are occasionally shared on our website / facebook / instagram pages.

Please inform us if you don`t want us to share photos of your child.



Please ensure that your child is covered by third party liability (Privathaftpflichtversicherung) and health insurance against sickness and accident (Kranken-und Unfallversicherung bei Krankenkasse).


Damaged / misplaced reading books & equipment:

Custom Kids will repair or replace broken equipment and toys due to normal wear and tear. However, should your child purposely damage or break equipment or toys, then the item will be repaired or replaced a the cost of the parents.

Parents will be charged CHF 10.- for lost or damaged reading books.



There are 2 parking spots at the beginning of the driveway to Custom Kids and 3 spots if you drive up behind the building. You can also park on the street in front of the field (for drop off and pick up only).

If these spots are taken, there is the COOP parkhaus just down the street.

As there are a lot of kids coming and going, please do not drive up and park right beside Custom Kids and please do not block the driveway.


Closure policy:

In the event that Custom Kids must close due to circumstances out of our control, lessons will be conducted online until further notice. If you choose not to take part in the online lessons, this is the same as not bringing your child to class and there are no refunds or deductions for missed classes. Please understand that the teachers, rent for the Custom Kids building, utilities and insurance etc still have to be paid.

Unfortunately playgroup is not able to take place online so we will offer different options to make up any missed Playgroups due to closure.


Notice of withdrawal:

Our classes are year long classes that run from the middle of August until the first week of July.

Three months written notice  (at the end of a month) is required if you wish to withdraw your child from Custom Kids. Notice is accepted via email or registered mail.

Playgroup is for ages 2-5 years. Children registered in playgroup keep their spot(s) until notice is given, this means they continue   after the summer holidays.


If your child is unable to continue with playgroup after the summer holidays, written notice must be given by the end of April.

To withdraw your child from playgroup at any other time in the school year, three months written notice (at the end of a month) is required.

If proper notice is not given, parents are liable for the next term`s fees.

Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal.